Dinner + Alpha Interest
Alpha is a 6 week series of discussions around dinner, with a group of like-minded and open people just like you who are looking to explore the big questions of life.

Each week includes a meal, a talk (on video), a small group conversation, and is completely free.

Alpha starts on Sunday March 10 at 6pm and will be hosted in Narwee. It will continue for six Sundays at the same time and place (March 17, 24, BREAK, April 7, 14, 21) .

You don't have to commit to the full six weeks. Come along to the first one and then decide whether you'd like to keep coming.

Want to bring a friend with you? Not a problem, just let us know below.
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What describes you (can select more than one)
Are you bringing friends with you? Let us know their names below (even if unconfirmed)
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